When DBIInterceptor is aspected to a class, the method which suited Pointcut is performed. DBIInterceptor will treat the return value of a method as an SQL query, if the return value of a method is string. If the return value of a method is Array, the 1st value is treated as an SQL query, the 2nd value is treated as a context at the time of SQL execution.
The sql is executed in a database and a result is returned as a return value of a method. Prepared Statement of DBI is used for execution of the SQL query to a database. As for value bound to Prepared Statement, method arguments are used. If the return value of a method is Array, the 2nd value is treated as bind value.
DBIInterceptor does not have OR map function and automatic SQL construction function.
![]() | NOTE |
This Example is located in example/example14 |
Let's create PrefectureDao class which accesses Prefecture table. The find_all method which gets all the data from Prefecture table is implemented in PrefectureDao class. As a return value of the find_all method, SQL query which will be executed to a database is returned.
module Example class PrefectureDao s2comp s2aspect :interceptor => "dbi.interceptor" def find_all return 'select * from prefecture' end end end
Please create run.rb which performs the next processing.
require 'rubygems' require 'dbi' require 's2container' require 'seasar/dbi/interceptor' require 'example' s2comp(:class => DBI::DatabaseHandle, :namespace => "dbi", :autobinding => :none) { DBI.connect("dbi:SQLite3:example.db") } begin s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_all.each {|h| puts "#{h['id']}\t#{h['name']}" } rescue Seasar::DBI::DBIInterceptor::ConnectError => e s2logger.fatal(e.cause.class.name){"#{e.cause.message} #{e.cause.backtrace}"} rescue => e s2logger.fatal(e.class.name){"#{e.message} #{e.backtrace}"} ensure s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle].disconnect if s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle] end
Let's create PrefectureDao class which accesses a Prefecture table. The find_by_id method which searches data with ID from Prefecture table is implemented in PrefectureDao class. ID which searches data is specified by the argument of find_by_id method. The embedding of ID to an SQL query is described like "?".
module Example class PrefectureDao s2comp s2aspect :interceptor => "dbi.interceptor" def find_by_id(id) return 'select * from prefecture where id = ?' end end end
Please create the following executable files.
require 'rubygems' require 'dbi' require 's2container' require 'seasar/dbi/interceptor' require 'example' s2comp(:class => DBI::DatabaseHandle, :namespace => "dbi", :autobinding => :none) { DBI.connect("dbi:SQLite3:example.db") } begin s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_by_id(1).each {|h| puts "#{h['id']}\t#{h['name']}" } rescue Seasar::DBI::DBIInterceptor::ConnectError => e s2logger.fatal(e.cause.class.name){"#{e.cause.message} #{e.cause.backtrace}"} rescue => e s2logger.fatal(e.class.name){"#{e.message} #{e.backtrace}"} ensure s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle].disconnect if s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle] end
Let's create PrefectureDao class which accesses a Prefecture table. The find_by_name method which searches data with NAME from Prefecture table is implemented in PrefectureDao class. Array is returned as a return value of a method, the 1st value is treated as an SQL query, the 2nd value is treated as a context at the time of SQL execution.
module Example class PrefectureDao s2comp s2aspect :interceptor => "dbi.interceptor" def find_by_name(name) return "select * from prefecture where name = ?", name end end end
Please create the following executable files.
require 'rubygems' require 'dbi' require 's2container' require 'seasar/dbi/interceptor' require 'example' s2comp(:class => DBI::DatabaseHandle, :namespace => "dbi", :autobinding => :none) { DBI.connect("dbi:SQLite3:example.db") } begin s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_by_name("HOKKAIDO").each {|h| puts "#{h['id']}\t#{h['name']}" } rescue Seasar::DBI::DBIInterceptor::ConnectError => e s2logger.fatal(e.cause.class.name){"#{e.cause.message} #{e.cause.backtrace}"} rescue => e s2logger.fatal(e.class.name){"#{e.message} #{e.backtrace}"} ensure s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle].disconnect if s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle] end
If using DBI directly in Dao, It is necessary to carry out injection of the DBI component to Dao component. In the following example, Property injection of the DBI::DatabaseHandle component is executed to the PrefectureDao class. In the transactional_insert method, the transaction is started using injected DBI component.
module Example class PrefectureDao s2comp s2aspect :interceptor => "dbi.interceptor", :pointcut => /^insert/ def initialize @dbh = :di, DBI::DatabaseHandle end def transactional_insert(id, name) result = nil @dbh['AutoCommit'] = false begin result = self.insert(id, name) @dbh.commit rescue => e s2logger.warn(self.class.superclass.name) { "transaction failed. #{e.class.name} #{e.message}" } @dbh.rollback end @dbh['AutoCommit'] = true return result end def insert(id, name) return 'insert into prefecture values(?, ?)' end end end
Please create the following executable files.
require 'rubygems' require 'dbi' require 's2container' require 'seasar/dbi/interceptor' require 'example' s2comp(:class => DBI::DatabaseHandle, :namespace => "dbi", :autobinding => :none) { DBI.connect("dbi:SQLite3:example.db") } begin puts s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].transactional_insert(48, "Other") rescue Seasar::DBI::DBIInterceptor::ConnectError => e s2logger.fatal(e.cause.class.name){"#{e.cause.message} #{e.cause.backtrace}"} rescue => e s2logger.fatal(e.class.name){"#{e.message} #{e.backtrace}"} ensure s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle].disconnect if s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle] end
Seasar::DBI::Paginate class is a utility class which performs paging when acquiring data from Database. Let's implement the find_by_dto method in PrefectureDao class and do paging.
module Example class PrefectureDao s2comp s2aspect :interceptor => "dbi.interceptor" def find_by_dto(dto) return "select * from prefecture where name like ? limit ? offset ?", [dto.name_like, dto.limit, dto.offset] end def find_total_by_dto(dto) return "select count(*) as total from prefecture where name like ?", dto.name_like end end require 'seasar/dbi/paginate' class PrefectureDto < Seasar::DBI::Paginate attr_accessor :name_like end end
Please create run.rb which performs the next processing.
require 'rubygems' require 'dbi' require 's2container' require 'seasar/dbi/interceptor' require 'example' s2comp(:class => DBI::DatabaseHandle, :namespace => "dbi", :autobinding => :none) { DBI.connect("dbi:SQLite3:example.db") } begin dto = Example::PrefectureDto.new dto.limit = 5 dto.name_like = '%er' dto.total = s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_total_by_dto(dto)[0]["total"] puts "page : #{dto.page}" s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_by_dto(dto).each {|h| puts "#{h['id']}\t#{h['name']}" } dto.next puts "page : #{dto.page}" s2app[Example::PrefectureDao].find_by_dto(dto).each {|h| puts "#{h['id']}\t#{h['name']}" } rescue Seasar::DBI::DBIInterceptor::ConnectError => e s2logger.fatal(e.cause.class.name){"#{e.cause.message} #{e.cause.backtrace}"} rescue => e s2logger.fatal(e.class.name){"#{e.message} #{e.backtrace}"} ensure s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle].disconnect if s2app[DBI::DatabaseHandle] end
Seasar::DBI::Paginate.get_total_page method.
All the number of pages is returned. (total records / page limit)
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#paage method.
Current page number is returned.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#page= method.
Page number is set up.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#offset method.
Current offset position is returned.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#limit= method.
The number of records per 1 Paige is set up.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#total method.
The total number is returned.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#total= method.
The total number is set up.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#window_size method.
The number of Pages displayed on a window is set up.。
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#next method.
1 page is advanced.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#next? method.
It is returned whether there is any next page.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#prev method.
1 page returns.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#prev? method.
It is returned whether there is any previous page.
Seasar::DBI::Paginate#page_range method.
Range of page number settled in a page window is returned.
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