S2Container.Ruby Document

Table of Contents

1. Installation
1.1. Requirement
1.2. Installation with setup.rb
1.3. Installation with Gems
2. Quick Start
2.1. Setup
2.2. Registration and getting of a component
2.3. Naming of component
2.4. Prototype Component
2.5. Constructor Block
2.6. Dependency Injection
2.7. Auto Aspect
2.8. Interceptor Block
3. S2Container.Ruby Reference
3.1. S2Container Reference
3.1.1. Generation of S2Container
3.1.2. Getting a component
3.1.3. Dependency Injection
3.1.4. Constructor Block
3.1.5. Destructor Block
3.1.6. Binding type setup
3.1.7. Instance type setup
3.2. S2ApplicationContext Reference
3.2.1. Generation of S2ApplicationContext
3.2.2. Registration of a component
3.2.3. Generation of S2Container
3.2.4. Selection of a component
3.2.5. Auto Aspect
3.2.6. Management of Singleton S2Container instance
4. S2Aop.Ruby Reference
4.1. The outline of S2Aop
4.1.1. The Concept of AOP
4.2. Notes on S2Aop
4.3. Aspect using S2AopFactory
4.4. Aspect using S2ApplicationContext
4.5. Interceptor prepared in S2Aop
4.5.1. TraceInterceptor
4.5.2. Implementing Interceptor
4.6. MethodInvocation API Reference
5.1. Using S2Container in component
5.2. Log setup of S2Container
5.2.1. S2Logger
5.3. Database access using DBI
5.3.1. Component-izing of DBI::DatabaseHandle
5.4. Database access using DBIInterceptor
5.4.1. The outline of DBIInterceptor
5.4.2. Aspect of DBIInterceptor
5.4.3. Setup Bind value by Method argument
5.4.4. Setup Bind value By Method result
5.4.5. Using DBI in Dao
5.4.6. Paging by Paginate class
5.5. S2CGI Web Framework
5.5.1. Setup
5.5.2. Starting of Framework
5.5.3. Seasar::CGI::Page Class
5.5.4. Class Variables
5.5.5. Instance Variables
5.5.6. get/post method
5.5.7. param method
5.5.8. render method
5.5.9. partial method
5.5.10. redirect meshot
5.5.11. validate method
5.5.12. Session management
5.5.13. Dependency Injection
5.5.14. Unit Test
5.5.15. Rack CGI
5.6. Using S2Container with Rails
5.6.1. Environment
5.6.2. Setup
5.6.3. Summary
5.6.4. Dependency Injection

List of Tables

3.1. Property value and DI
3.2. Binding Type
3.3. Instance Type

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