By the create method of S2AopFactory class, the extended class of an aspect target class is generated and the instance which wove in the aspect is acquired.
S2AopFactory.create(component_class, aspects)
- The 1st argument : Aspect target class
- The 2nd argument : Array of Aspects woven in
As an example, an aspect is applied to the following Service class.
module Example class Service def add(a, b) return a + b end end end
TraceInterceptor is aspected to add method of Service class as follws.
require 's2container' require 'seasar/aop/s2aop-factory' require 'seasar/aop/aspect' require 'seasar/aop/pointcut' require 'example' interceptor = pointcut =^add$/) aspect =, pointcut) service = Seasar::Aop::S2AopFactory::create(Example::Service, [aspect]).new p service.add(2, 3)
Interceptor is a class which implements call method. These next interceptors are attached to S2Aop.
- Seasar::Aop::Interceptor::TraceInterceptor
TraceInterceptor is a interceptor for treating trace processing as "Crosscutting Concern".Pointcut is a class showing where Interceptor is applied., String or Symbol which specify the method used as Pointcut is passed to a constructor argument.
Aspect is a class which associates Interceptor(Advice) and Pointcut., pointcut)Interceptor and Pointcut are specified by a constructor argument.
NOTE This Example is located at "example/example09".
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