Table of Contents
Generation of S2Container is carried out by the "create" method of S2ApplicationContext class.
require 's2container' container = Seasar::Container::S2ApplicationContext.instance.create
By using the s2app method which returns S2ApplicationContext instance, S2Container is generable as follows.
require 's2container' container = s2app.create
The following method is used in order to take out a component from S2Container.
The class name or component name of a component is specified as an argument.
When there are two or more components which indicates the class specified in S2Container,
Since S2Container cannot judge which component should be returned, it carries out a raise of the exception "TooManyRegistrationRuntimeException".
Therefore, please specify the class name it is decided uniquely that a component will be.
It is also the same as when taking out a component by a component name.
As an example, The following classes are defined. A component name is set up by a character string and Symbol by the argument of the s2component method.
module Example class IndexAction s2component :name => "index" end class TopAction s2component :name => :top end class ResultAction s2component end end
It is as follows, when specifying a component name by a character string and getting a component.
require 's2container' require 'example' container = s2app.create component = container.get_component("index")
It is as follows, when specifying a component by Class and getting a component. The component method is alias of the get_component method.
component = container.component(Example::IndexAction)
It is as follows, when specifying a component by Symbol and getting a component. The get method is alias of the get_component method.
component = container.get(:top)
[] can also be used as a method which gets a component from S2Contaienr.
component = container[Example::ResultAction]
![]() | NOTE |
This Example is located at "example/example01". |
Dependency Injection of S2Container is the property injection by automatic binding. Instance variables and accessor methods are treated as a property. Automatic binding solves the dependency between components by the property name and by the class and component name which are specified by the default value of a property.
Let's define following classes. The constructor (initialize method) of Action class defines instance variables. The dependence information on Action and Service component is set up as a default value of an instance variable. Moreover, since the attr_accessor method defines the property "d", the component named "d" will be injected.
module Example class Action s2comp def initialize @a = nil @b = :di, "x.y.z.service_b" @c = :di, ServiceC @x_ = nil @_x = nil end attr_reader :a, :b, :c attr_accessor :d end class ServiceA s2comp :name => :a end class ServiceB s2comp :name => "service_b", :namespace => "x.y.z" end class ServiceC s2comp end class ServiceD s2comp :name => :d end end
Please create the following executable files. when Action component is taken out from S2Container, Dependent Service component will be injected to the instance variables of the Action component.
require 's2container' require 'example' container = s2app.create component = container[Example::Action]
The instance variable to which the underscore was attached a head or behind the variable name is not bound automatically. How to set up the dependency between components by the default value of a property is shown below.
Table 3.1. Property value and DI
Property value Explanation Example nil The Symbol of an instance variable name is used as a component key. A component name is set to ":a" when an instance variable name is "@a." @property = nil Array When the size of Array is 2 and the first value is "di" (String or Symbol), uses the second value as a component key. @property = :di, "service"
![]() | NOTE |
This Example is located at "example/example02". |
Constructor Block is a block which performs generation processing of a component. Constructor Block is set up when registering a component by the s2component method.
Let's define the following classes.
module Example class Action def initialize(val) @val = val end attr_accessof :val end end
Please create the following executable files. Constructor Block is passed to the s2component method. The evaluation result of the last of Constructor Block must fulfill the relation of is_a? with a component class.
require 's2container' require 'example' s2component(:class => Example::Action) {"abc") } container = s2app.create component = container[Example::Action] p component.val # -> "abc"
![]() | NOTE |
This Example is located at "example/example03". |
Constructor Block is a block which performs destroy processing of a component. When the instance setting of the component is ":singleton", thr destructor block is executed. The destructor block is executed in the destroy method of s2container.
Let's define the following classes.
module Example class Action def init s2logger.debug(self.class){"init method called as constructor."} end def quit s2logger.debug(self.class){"quit method called as destructor."} end end end
Please create the following executable files. The component is registered by the s2component method. The destructor block is set to the return value(ComponentInfoDef instance) of the s2component method.
require 's2container' require 'example' component_info = s2component(:class => Example::Action) { # constructor block action = action.init next action } component_info.destructor {|component| # destructor block component.quit } container = s2app.create container.init # call constructor block container.destroy # call destructor block
In S2Container, a binding type can be specified per component.
Table 3.2. Binding Type
autoBinding Explanation :auto (default) It binds automatically by the default value of a property. :none It is followed when the argument of the constructor is specified clearly.
It is followed when the property is specified clearly.
It is as follows when specifying a binding type by the s2component method.
class Service s2component :autobinding => :auto end
In S2Container, instance management can be specified per component.
Table 3.3. Instance Type
instance Explanation :singleton (default) Getting a component by S2Container.get_component method will return the always same instance. :prototype A new instance is returned whenever it gets a component by S2Container.get_component method.
It is as follows when specifying an instance type by the s2component method.
class Service s2component :instance => :singleton end
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